IPA: hoʊtˈɛɫmʌn
- A person who operates a hotel.
Examples of "hotelman" in Sentences
- Mr. Sweet, the hotelman at the Pool, takes all we can give him.
- Mr. Sweet, the hotelman at the Pool, takes all we can give him. "
- The Space Needle -- inspired when Seattle hotelman Eddie Carlson dined atop
- Instead of a hotelman anxious to please his guests, in came three men in uniform.
- However, I asked the hotelman if that was a fair charge, and he said, "Yes, that is about the rate here."
- It's a simple procedure, a proven procedure of retraining everyone to be a professional hotelman and up to this point, it's been very successful.
- It's a simple procedure, a proven procedure of retraining everyone to be a professional hotelman, and up to this point it's been very successful.
- A Cornell hotelman whose expertise was in turning around problem properties, my father arrived in Houston in 1951, with his wife and three young children.
- Behind the refreshment-tables stood the hotelman and his barkeeper with their coats off and sleeves rolled up to the shoulder, passing out bottles, and drawing beer and whisky from two kegs hoisted up for that purpose.
- "The nice thing about our safari is coming back to tell about it," Reno hotelman Charles Mapes said of his two month African safari with Reno stockbroker John St. Clair before the Sierra Nevada Sportswriters Association's weekly luncheon Tuesday.