
IPA: hˈaʊɫɪŋ


  • The act of producing howls.
  • A surname originating as a patronymic.


  • (colloquial) Used as an intensifier

Examples of "howling" in Sentences

  • There will be a lot of howling from the ‘Baggers’ and Repugs tonight!
  • By this time, the wind was really howling from the northwest and snowing so hard I could not even see the horses.
  • Really did not think to much about it until I stop my truck to bait the bait pile when I heard howling from the direction it ran to.
  • _howling_ dervishes; all our religion consisted in howling like jackals or hyenas, with all our might, until we fell down in real or pretended convulsions.
  • But, he says, there's no better way to forget about work than to enter a capoeira circle, known as a roda, which he describes as a "howling vortex of energy."
  • They saw those angels chargrilling their friends, families and regular customers and felt a powerful urge to throw themselves at the angels in howling rage, for the sake of pride and honour, for the love of all that they held dear.
  • So whether you read from left to right (sent howling from the garden where the stories all begin) or simply wander as gaps in the crowd permit, the pillars of the chapel will have told you how to navigate. on one side the pair of them driven like cattle, her face with its sockets of grief. and on the other side the premise still unspoilt. or is it promise?

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