IPA: hˈʌn
- A grey partridge.
- A member of a nomadic tribe (the Huns) who invaded Europe in the fourth century from Central Asia.
- (figuratively) A vandal, a barbarian, an uncivilized destructive person.
- (slang, derogatory, ethnic slur) A German.
- (slang, derogatory, UK, Ireland) A Protestant.
- (slang, derogatory, UK, Ireland) A Rangers Football Club supporter; an Orangeman.
- A surname from Khmer.
- (informal) Alternative spelling of hon (“affectionate abbreviation of honey”) [(mostly as a term of address) Honey, sweetheart, a term of endearment; (Southern US) a friendly term of address.]
- Alternative form of hoon (“Indian gold coin”) [(Australia, New Zealand, slang, derogatory) A worthless person; a hooligan or lout.]
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