IPA: hˈʌntsmʌn
- A hunter.
- (UK) A fox hunter.
- One who manages the hounds during a hunt.
- Any of the many species of large spiders of the family Sparassidae.
- A surname.
Examples of "huntsman" in Sentences
- The huntsman set out early in the morning, tracking the elusive deer through the dense forest
- With his keen eyes and steady aim, the huntsman was known throughout the land for his skill at catching game
- The huntsman took his loyal hound with him on the hunt, relying on the dog's keen sense of smell to locate prey
- As the sun began to set, the huntsman returned to his village with a bountiful catch, enough to feed his family for weeks
- Stories of the huntsman's bravery and skill spread far and wide, earning him a reputation as the greatest hunter in the kingdom