IPA: hˈɝdʌɫ
- (athletics, equestrianism) An artificial barrier, variously constructed, over which athletes or horses jump in a race.
- (figuratively) An obstacle, real or perceived, physical or abstract.
- A movable frame of wattled twigs, osiers, or withes and stakes, or sometimes of iron, used for enclosing land, for folding sheep and cattle, for gates, etc.; also, in fortification, used as revetments, and for other purposes.
- (UK, historical) A sled or crate on which criminals were drawn to the place of execution.
- A surname.
- (T-flapping) Misspelling of hurtle. [(countable) An act of colliding with or hitting; a collision.]
- To jump over something while running.
- To compete in the track and field events of hurdles (e.g. high hurdles).
- To overcome an obstacle.
- To hedge, cover, make, or enclose with hurdles.
- (T-flapping) Misspelling of hurtle. [(transitive, archaic)]
Examples of "hurdle" in Sentences
- The athlete faced a difficult hurdle during the race, but managed to jump over it with ease
- Overcoming the financial hurdle of student loans can be a major challenge for recent graduates
- She had to overcome several hurdles before finally landing her dream job
- The team encountered an unexpected hurdle in the project timeline, but they worked together to find a solution
- Despite facing many obstacles, he was determined to overcome every hurdle in his path to success