
IPA: haɪdroʊɪɫˈɛktrɪk


  • that generates electricity by converting the energy of moving water, or of steam escaping under high pressure
  • of or relating to the electricity so produced

Examples of "hydroelectric" in Sentences

  • Of course, hydroelectric is there, but haven't most of the useful places been utilized.
  • Almost all energy production facilities, such as hydroelectric dams, tar sands, experimentation with oil shale, coal production, and so forth, also got much bigger.
  • The oil-equivalent metric represents all forms of energy consumed, including crude oil, nuclear, coal, natural gas and renewable sources such as hydroelectric power.
  • He criticized the military's proposal to buy generators and diesel fuel for the energy-starved city of Kandahar and supported a longer-term hydroelectric dam project.
  • Most of our power comes from petroleum fired steam plants, about 25% from hydroelectric, which is nearly maxed out, a little from a few nuke plants, most of which are nearing the end of service.

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