IPA: ˈaɪɑmbʌs
- (prosody) iamb
Examples of "iambus" in Sentences
- As has already been said, the iambus is the common foot of English verse.
- Or young Apollo's; and yet, after this, &c. '/They would HAzard/' [1] -- furnishes an anapæst for an 'iambus'.
- He could make Greek iambics, and doubted whether the bishop knew the difference between an iambus and a trochee.
- And yet the first makes a _iambus_, and the second a _trocheus_ ech sillable retayning still his former quantities.
- It is a decasyllabic line, with a trochee substituted for an iambus in the third foot — Around: me gleamed: many a: bright se: pulchre.
- In order to deal with English verse, you need to talk about only five feet: the iambus, the trochee, the anapaest, the dactyl, and the spondee.
- Only we must be careful that by "iambus," in English poetry, we _meant_ an unstressed syllable, rather than a short syllable followed by a long one.
- /'And YET' /is a complete 'iambus'; but 'anyet' is, like 'spirit', a dibrach u u, trocheized, however, by the 'arsis' or first accent damping, though not extinguishing, the second.
- This influence of the chief accent affects also combinations of two monosyllabic words which make an iambus, and combinations like _ego illi_, _age ergo_, in which the second syllable of the second word is elided.
- That verse wherein the accent is on the even syllables may be called even or parisyllabic verse, and corresponds with what has been called iambic verse; retaining the term iambus for the name of the foot we shall thereby mean an unaccented and an accented syllable.