
IPA: aɪdˈɛntʌti


  • Sameness, identicalness; the quality or fact of (several specified things) being the same.
  • The difference or character that marks off an individual or collective from the rest of the same kind; selfhood; the sense of who something or someone or oneself is, or the recurring characteristics that enable the recognition of such an individual or group by others or themselves.
  • A name or persona—a mask or appearance one presents to the world—by which one is known.
  • (mathematics) An equation which always holds true regardless of the choice of input variables.
  • (algebra, computing) Any function which maps all elements of its domain to themselves.
  • (algebra) An element of an algebraic structure which, when applied to another element under an operation in that structure, yields this second element.
  • (Australia, New Zealand) A well-known or famous person.

Examples of "identity" in Sentences

  • But often the shift in identity is purely for pleasure.
  • "A lot of people use the term identity management loosely," says John Lyons,
  • 1998, "Criteria of identity and the ˜identity mystic™", Erkenntnis, 48: 281-301.
  • E.G. create table table1 (id int identity (1,1) not null, name nvarchar (64)) go insert into table1 ( 'Hello world') go select @@identity
  • In this sense, then, a thing's essence may be said to constitute its identity, when one uses the word ˜identity™ in this distinctive manner to speak of
  • The lack of stylistic focus might hurt the label identity in a way, but my tastes are all over the map, and I think the label should reflect that to an extent.
  • CAFFERTY: The term identity crisis has taken on a whole new meaning in this high tech age and that's because identity theft is a huge problem with very big consequences.
  • The notion of transworld identity ” ˜identity across possible worlds™ ” is the notion that the same object exists in more than one possible world (with the actual world treated as one of the possible worlds).

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