
IPA: aɪdiʌɫˈɑdʒɪkʌɫ


  • Of or pertaining to an ideology.
  • Based on an ideology or misleading studies or statistics, especially based on the media or propaganda. Not based on scientific evidence or reality.

Examples of "ideological" in Sentences

  • I mean, it depends what you call ideological extremes.
  • Mr. LAM: Xi Jinping himself is a conservative in ideological matters.
  • I wonder if it would be better to use the term ideological instead of bias.
  • Wilson, Joan of Arc, people who were what he called ideological innovators.
  • He accused the Republican-run House of being unable to make any compromises with what he called their ideological preferences.
  • The White House threatened to veto the House bill over what it called "ideological issues" and domestic cuts called for by Republicans.
  • Though single, she has relationships every now and again, but is adamant that any love affair will always come second to what she calls her ideological work with
  • And he adds that he doesn't think there's anybody in the race who can bring new people into the process and break out of what he calls ideological gridlock as effectively as he can.
  • And the main reason is that Barack Obama while he has put forward a tremendous, tremendous vision, he's inspired a lot of people, he's captured the imagination of a lot of young people, his policies clearly really embody what I call the ideological baggage of the past.

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