
IPA: ˈaɪdʌɫˈeɪtɝ


  • One who worships idols; (historical) a pagan.

Examples of "idolater" in Sentences

  • The idolater prays every night.
  • That child grew up to be the idolater.
  • I hated the fact that my father was an idolater.
  • Pagan, Heathen, Idolater, all refer to non Christians.
  • He was notorious for the fact that he was an idolater.
  • When someone lives for romance, they become an idolater.
  • The Talmud warns against causing an idolater to take oaths.
  • I secretly revere it, as the idolater in me awakens once again.
  • Her mother was a devout Christian but her father was an idolater.
  • The idolater in me, the superstitious troglodyte, whispers: Pssst.
  • Abraham's father was an idolater but Abraham is a devout monotheist.
  • Ahaz was described as an idolater who cooperated with the Assyrians.
  • Wanderer, idolater, worshiper of fire are mainly people who do not have faith in themselves.
  • On the one hand, a person who gets angry about things that he has no control over is considered as an idolater.
  • Haran dies at the feet of his father, Terah, who, we learn elsewhere, was not merely an idolater but actually made idols for a living—a true master of idolatrous power-logic.
  • About the days when he was "one of Baal's shaven sort," in his own phrase; when he was himself an "idolater," and a priest of the altar: about the details of his conversion, Knox is mute.
  • And yet because this leads to erroneous belief on the part of the people, who are inclined to worship the image itself instead of God (for the people cannot discriminate between the outward act and its idea), the Bible punishes idolatry with death, and calls the idolater a man who angers

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