
IPA: aɪdˈɑɫʌtri


  • The worship of idols.
  • The excessive admiration of somebody or something.

Examples of "idolatry" in Sentences

  • If she's saying that America is the New Israel, then I call idolatry on that.
  • In the New Testament the term idolatry is used to designate covetousness (Matt.
  • Defeating the power-logic of idolatry, in other words, is the hardest thing in the world.
  • Today's 18-page treatise from the Vatican also slams what it calls the "idolatry of the market."
  • Hence "idolatry" is associated with them: and the covetous man is termed an "idolater" (Nu 25: 1, 2).
  • Yahweh was the Creator, the only “true and living God,” and worship of any other deities was termed idolatry.
  • Such a confession is signified by the term idolatry, but not by the term heresy, which only means a false opinion.
  • The case was simply that there were a number of persons determined not to demand mere toleration for themselves, but to pluck down what they called idolatry everywhere and to keep the Edwardine service in the parish churches in defiance of all authority, and even of the feelings of their fellow parishioners.

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