
IPA: ˈaɪdʌɫ


  • Any poem or short written piece composed in the style of Theocritus's short pastoral poems, the Idylls.
  • An episode or series of events or circumstances of pastoral or rural simplicity, fit for an idyll; a carefree or lighthearted experience.
  • (music) A composition, usually instrumental, of a pastoral or sentimental character, e.g. Siegfried Idyll by Richard Wagner.

Examples of "idyll" in Sentences

  • This idyll is short-lived as the elephantine squall of S.O.S. rears its panicky, hard-riffing head.
  • However, the tourist idyll is a façade and, in fact, Jelinek depicts a camouflaged dead landscape where neither the past nor the future exists.
  • The idyll is very short lived, however, and paradise is lost when Inkle returns with Yarico to Jamaica where he attempts to sell her into slavery.
  • Astrid worships her mother and cherishes their private world full of ritual and mystery-but their idyll is shattered when Astrid's mother falls apart over a lover.
  • However much we can all appreciate the arguments in favour of renting, most of us still hanker after the long-term idyll of bricks, mortar and a white picket fence.
  • But the idyll is soon broken when the past rushes back to threaten the Amnipours once more, and the lives they left behind in revolution-era Iran bleed into the present.
  • But the idyll is short lived as Hanna disappears from his life, only to resurface in a courtroom where she is being tried for iniquitous past which she had hidden from him.
  • In so far as the idyll is a signifier to which a real world referent can be attached -- pre-industrial culture, medieval society, etc. -- we might be dubious of a restoration that is essentially an act of validation.

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