
IPA: ɪgnˈaɪt


  • (transitive) to set fire to (something), to light (something)
  • (transitive) to spark off (something), to trigger
  • (intransitive) to commence burning.
  • (chemistry, transitive) To subject to the action of intense heat; to heat strongly; often said of incombustible or infusible substances.

Examples of "ignite" in Sentences

  • But as to your question, 3f or 4f black powder will easily ignite from a spark.
  • Keeping everything dry enough to ignite is the ultimate "exercise in futility"!
  • If both people 'ignite' they can see each other's profile and instant message on the network.
  • Uncedo's return could "ignite" the situation and innocent people boarding taxis could be caught in the crossfire again.
  • In addition to sparking iPad sales, the cuts would purportedly be part of a larger strategy to "ignite" interest in iTunes 'video section as a whole.
  • Our reporter from our affiliate WHDH was talking about how these storms kind of ignite just before they hit Boston, and that's exactly what we're seeing.
  • Russian ECLS specialists have estimated that approximately 20% of the onboard SFOGs will not ignite, which is taken into account in the onboard O2 supplies estimates.
  • The problem with this is that it takes more energy to keep the fusion going that the fusion releases, so one of ITER's main goals is to "ignite" a self-sustaining fusion reaction.

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