
IPA: ɪɫˈɑdʒɪkʌɫ


  • Contrary to logic; lacking sense or sound reasoning.

Examples of "illogical" in Sentences

  • The report also cited what it described as illogical actions by the crew.
  • Dear St. Thomas, how sad that someone so illogical is masquerading as you.
  • An application that appears cluttered or illogical is harder to understand and use.
  • He notes, however, that this provision although illogical, is “unimportant in its practical effects.”
  • Teddy Roosevelt endorsed an effort to remove spellings that many Americans perceived to be cumbersome and illogical from the English language as used in America.
  • President [[Teddy Roosevelt]] endorsed an effort to remove spellings that many Americans perceived to be cumbersome and illogical from the English language as used in America.
  • Being able to separate the illogical from the logical, recognizing cause and effect and threading information together is the most important thing a school can teach a student.
  • The president's mentor, Ayatollah Mohammad Taqi Mesbah Yazdi, said Ahmadinejad is increasingly turning friends into enemies and demonstrating what he called "illogical and cheap" behavior.
  • "If the murderer is not Vulcan, however, his day-today actions may be what we would term illogical—and if you have been questioning Vulcans about him, what to a member of his race might appear out of the ordinary could seem to us not unexpected of an outworlder."

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