
IPA: ɪɫˈumʌneɪtɪŋ


  • Providing illumination or light.
  • (figuratively) Providing clarification or explanation; educational, revealing.

Examples of "illuminating" in Sentences

  • Is her discussion of this classic firearm complex or illuminating from a historical perspective?
  • Especially illuminating is the take down of the Lordship Salvation Fantasy that has for lo these many years soiled the hands of John R.R. MacArthur.
  • Updike would have reviewers close their eyes and zip their lips, where they should be keen of sight and articulate in illuminating the book and its context ....
  • Science has come a long way in illuminating the development processes of an organism in terms of chemical reactions, the result of electromagnetic interaction between atoms.
  • The mysteries of this famous shipwreck are far more illuminating from a historical perspective, minus all the sappy ridiculousness that Cameron poured so copiously all over his Oscar-winning smash-hit.
  • I originally was interested in illuminating the universal assumption of all IDers that anyone that disagrees with them can only do so because of bias, i.e., the idea that it's a culture war and not well reasoned disagreement.
  • As far as I'm concerned, Ron writes some of the best reviews around, online or off, and this one is right up there in illuminating not only how a text works, but in offering a clear understanding of its context - literary, historical, philosophical, psychological, sociological.
  • I mean, we now know that they weren't laser - designated bombs, and so, therefore, that takes, if you like, one person out of the loop: The forward air controller on the ground would not have not been designating the targets, but they would have been what they call illuminating them.

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