IPA: ɪɫˈusɝi
- Resulting from an illusion; deceptive, imaginary, unreal.
Examples of "illusory" in Sentences
- The apparent stability is illusory.
- Illusive is the adjective form of illusory.
- The alleged inequity in the decision is illusory.
- Humanism was crushed in the name of the illusory law.
- But the pretensions of the government were largely illusory.
- A classic example of illusory contours is the Kanizsa triangle.
- Humanism was crushed in the name of the illusory supremacy of caste.
- In short, the license is no license at all, and the promise is illusory.
- It is abundantly clear the rule of law and freedom of expression are illusory.
- Illusory correlation as an obstacle to the use of valid psychodiagnostic signs.
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