IPA: ˈɪmʌteɪtɪv
- Imitating; copying; not original.
- Modelled after another thing.
Examples of "imitative" in Sentences
- The so-called imitative status of PIE *pneu- to s...
- The so-called imitative status of PIE *pneu- "to sneeze"
- Paleoglot: The so-called imitative status of PIE *pneu- "to sneeze"
- He was even vexed at what I translated by the term imitative harmony.
- “calloo-calloo” — a mimetic term imitative of the most frequent notes of the bird.
- “Let's designate this to be what we call the imitative art [mimêtikon]”; everything else in the large genus can go by some other name (267a).
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