
IPA: ɪmˈidiʌt


  • Happening right away, instantly, with no delay.
  • Very close; direct or adjacent.
  • Manifestly true; requiring no argument.
  • (computer science, of an instruction operand) Embedded as part of the instruction itself, rather than stored elsewhere (such as a register or memory location).
  • (procedure word, military) Used to denote that a transmission is urgent.
  • (procedure word, military) An artillery fire mission modifier for two types of fire mission to denote an immediate need for fire: Immediate smoke, all guns involved must reload smoke and fire. Immediate suppression, all guns involved fire the rounds currently loaded and then switch to high explosive with impact fused (unless fuses are specified).

Examples of "immediate" in Sentences

  • The term immediate is used in contrast with that of gradual.
  • He was later led out of the courtroom and placed in immediate custody.
  • They include what he called immediate cuts to the costs of maintaining Italy's bulky political class as well as significant measures to fight tax evasion.
  • An "immediate" withdrawal, a la Obama, is totally unrealistic and would result in immediate genocide of those Iraquis who have helped and supported our troops.
  • Idealists discredit the veracity of consciousness as to our immediate knowledge of material phenomena, and, consequently, our _immediate knowledge of the existence of matter_. [
  • And this is a question which demands immediate attention -- _immediate_ attention; for more than £26,000,000 are paid by taxpayers each year to be spent in great part on our wretched system of poor laws.
  • Around the February time frame, we were running to a point where our fund balance was getting below what we were comfortable with, having to deal with existing disasters and future disasters, so we go into what we call immediate needs funding.

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