IPA: ɪmˈɛnsʌti
- The state or characteristic of being immense.
- An immense object.
Examples of "immensity" in Sentences
- To be confronted with such an immensity was an astonishment that virtually no one was prepared for.
- On the sea the thrashing hills of green water suggested a kind of immensity and terror, but not the immensity of the poet's heart.
- Encarta World English Dictionary points out that enormousness has a more neutral meaning when used to refer to size, but is clumsy, so they recommend that you "find an alternative such as immensity or vastness."
- The novel starts in intriguing, if somewhat slow-paced way - an archaeological dig on the other planet; but once we learn what kind of immensity this dig uncovers, the pace picks up and a marvelous adventure gets underway.
- As, by the power we find in ourselves of repeating, as often as we will, any idea of space, we get the idea of immensity; so, by being able to repeat the idea of any length of duration we have in our minds, with all the endless addition of number, we come by the idea of eternity.
- Moreover, their ignorance comes out in a clear light with respect to the case of that woman who, suffering from an issue of blood, touched the hem of the Lord's garment, and so was made whole; for they maintain that through her was shown forth that twelfth power who suffered passion, and flowed out towards immensity, that is, the twelfth AEon.
- Jupiter or Sirius from the earth is ascertained; and though there is a triangle still more vast, its base extending either way from us, with and past the horizon into immensity, and its apex infinitely distant above us; to which corresponds a similar infinite triangle belo _what is above equalling what is below, immensity equalling immensity_; -- yet the