
IPA: ˈɪmʌgrʌnt


  • A non-native person who comes to a country from another country to permanently settle there.
  • A plant or animal that establishes itself in an area where it previously did not exist.


  • Of or relating to immigrants or the act of immigrating.

Examples of "immigrant" in Sentences

  • Eventually, we expect to become citizens of Mexico, so "immigrant" is more appropriate.
  • DOBBS: Illegal aliens and their supporters say they are marching today in support of what they call immigrant rights.
  • My Grandfather earned the title "immigrant" and later "American" because he embraced his new home country and contributed to it.
  • It is important of course to note that the term immigrant at that time was racially defined so that While people were not immigrants but were either settlers or foreigners.
  • Your immigrant is an asset, not merely because he represents a certain amount of brains and sinew, but because all that is good in him urges him to pay that debt to Canada.
  • "Critics conveniently connect the word 'immigrant' with the word 'illegal' when talking about the Welcome Dayton plan, but that's not what this initiative is all about," City Manager Tim Riordan said in a news release.
  • Those protesters say they are marching for what they call immigrant rights, but the illegal alien lobby is manipulating the language of these protests and demonstrations for much wider and often hidden political purposes.
  • He has expressed his pleasure with the leading U.S. presidential candidates 'views on immigration reform and the amnesty they support and his displeasure to "The New York Times" about what he calls immigrant bashing in America.

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