
IPA: ɪmˈɪsʌbʌɫ


  • (physics) Of two or more liquids that are not mutually soluble: unmixable.

Examples of "immiscible" in Sentences

  • Sex and the family become increasingly so immiscible as to begin actively threatening one another.
  • When heated to magmatic temperatures, these clusters melt to form hydrosaline liquid that is immiscible with the silicate melt
  • Or perhaps a better word would be immiscible: for some of the best avant-garde art has precisely that oil-and-water-y quality.
  • He not only mouths a rhetoric of transcending division, but is himself a seamless genetic integration of what should be immiscible.
  • Plausibly, the Cu could have come from a small droplet of immiscible hydrosaline liquid (Lowenstern 1994a) trapped along with a CO2-bearing vapor bubble in the MI.
  • I can't help but think about that sitting on top of something holding multiple layers of differently colored immiscible fluids, drawing from it and feeding back into it at the same time.
  • The bubbles were too CO2-rich to have formed during cooling and shrinkage of the MI and the authors concluded that the inclusions trapped both silicate melt and an immiscible CO2-bearing vapor.
  • There are days when I think that the two entities or disciplines are entirely immiscible and antagonistic, and others where they seem not just to complement each other but to be, in a strange way, twin enterprises.
  • You are still clinging to an essentialist notion of a "conservative/libertarian" politics that remains, in some way that you have failed to demonstrate, immiscible with certain political notions that have their origins (genuinely or putatively) in the left.
  • Topics in the November issue of GEOLOGY include: a challenge to the use of banded iron formations as markers for the rise of oxygen in the oceans; new model of changes in seawater composition over time; factors in the rise of atmospheric methane; unmixing of magma into immiscible liquids; and evolution of organic molecules on early Earth.

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