
IPA: ɪmjunʌɫˈɑdʒɪkʌɫ


  • (medicine) Any drug used to treat the immune system.


  • Of or relating to immunology.

Examples of "immunological" in Sentences

  • Confer cell identity and participate in immunological reactions.
  • It is therefore difficult to use these mice in long-term immunological studies.
  • Jakafi, which is taken twice a day, inhibits the enzymes involved in regulating blood and immunological functioning.
  • DC phagocytose tumor antigen and migrate to the dLN where they stimulate T cell clonal expansion resulting in T cell-dependent brain tumor regression and long-term immunological memory.
  • This T cell (blue), one of the immune system's principle means of defense, identifies the molecular signature of a dendritic cell (green) at a junction between the two called the immunological synapse.
  • It has been testing Yervoy against prostate cancer and lung cancer in combination with other treatments, and has five other, experimental immunological cancer compounds in early- to late-stage human testing.
  • Once a T cell’s antigen receptor finds an antigen has entered the body that it recognizes as foreign, the T cell forms what is known as an immunological synapse—think of it as a telephone call from the T cell to the dendritic cell—querying dendritic cells for additional information about the antigen and its source in the body.
  • While it has even been observed that the presence of G6PD deficiency could provide "an evolutionary advantage" in malarial endemic environments, it of course remains the case that one must first survive and surmount the ailment itself (and its attendant complications) in order to realize any of its ancillary immunological benefits.

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