IPA: ɪmjunˈɑɫʌdʒi
- (medicine) The branch of medicine that concerns the body's immune system.
Examples of "immunology" in Sentences
- That this year's prize is given for work in immunology follows a long tradition.
- Niels K. Jerne is the leading theoretician in immunology during the last 30 years.
- I finally found my direction when I took a course in immunology, which I found fascinating.
- The opportunity for research projects in tumor immunology is also available for the oculoplastic fellow.
- Several concepts in immunology now considered as self-evident have their roots in some of his pioneering thoughts.
- Seven years later, following the suggestion of Dr. Renato Dulbecco, I left the United States to embark on research in immunology at the
- Medawar for the discovery of immunological tolerance, a discovery in immunology of minor importance compared with the clonal selection theory.
- Our most significant discovery in immunology was probably the identification of the protein pair that rearranges immunoglobulin genes, the so-called RAG proteins.
- Dr. Finkel is an internationally recognized expert in immunology and rheumatology, having published widely on the biology, pathogenesis and therapy of childhood arthritis and autoimmune disease.
- In the early 1970s when Peter Doherty and Rolf Zinkernagel had begun their scientific work within immunology, it was possible to distinguish between antibody-mediated and cell - mediated immunity.