
IPA: ɪmpˈɛɫd


  • urged or forced to action through moral pressure

Examples of "impelled" in Sentences

  • What he would have been impelled to say
  • You might find yourself impelled to wonder.
  • It is clear that the writer is impelled by malice.
  • This proposition impelled Semmelweis to refine the factor.
  • A turbine is coupled to the heat exchanger and is impelled by warmed air.
  • Yet, when she rose from the table, an urgent desire to keep him within call impelled her to pause.
  • The Axioms of Religion, who insisted truly born-again believers are "impelled" to be part of the church.
  • AFTER a long interval, I am again impelled by the restless spirit within me to continue my narration; but I must alter the mode which I have hitherto adopted.
  • On the contrary, the individualising animus which there found expression impelled him to raise more formidable barriers about man, and to turn the ring-fence which secured him from intrusion into a high wall which cut off his view.
  • A vessel of considerably greater size than this, but of the same class -- impelled, that is, by one bank of oars only -- is indicated by certain coins, which have been regarded by some critics as Phoenician, by others as belonging to Cilicia. [
  • My situation here is indeed a delightful situation; but I feel what I have lost ” feel it deeply ” it recurs more often and more painfully than I had anticipated, indeed so much so, that I scarcely ever feel myself impelled, that is to say, pleasurably impelled to write to Poole.
  • My situation here is indeed a delightful situation; but I feel what I have lost -- feel it deeply -- it recurs more often and more painfully than I had anticipated, indeed so much so, that I scarcely ever feel myself impelled, that is to say, pleasurably impelled to write to Poole.
  • But where Swedenborg uses a vaguely deterministic vocabulary to speak of creaturely activity (stating that bees and silkworms are "impelled" to behave in certain ways), Blake's Oothoon chooses to speak of such activity in terms of multiplicitous "joys" and "loves" (3: 6, 8, 11-12), terms carrying connotations of freedom rather than coercion or enslavement.

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