
IPA: ɪmpˈɝfɪktɫi


  • In an imperfect manner or degree; not fully or completely.

Examples of "imperfectly" in Sentences

  • It applies imperfectly to some academic questions.
  • This category is imperfectly conceived and applied.
  • Yet this part of his doctrine is very imperfectly developed.
  • All three of these steps are complex and imperfectly understood.
  • Both of these time standards turned out to be imperfectly defined.
  • Indian history is still very much ambiguous and imperfectly known.
  • It was imperfectly mined, and the train fired, but the rock stands firm.
  • Like a mirror, the human person reflects God's glory, though imperfectly.
  • The rules for these patterns remain controversial and imperfectly understood.
  • This article reads like it was imperfectly translated out of another language.
  • -- a phrase imperfectly translatable, meaning, as near as may be, having flitter-mice in his campanile.
  • Modern video players do not reveal video-file suffixes, and captions and subtitles imperfectly capture the spoken words in a video.
  • To say that New Orleans' urban mostly black youth are "educationally underserved" is like saying the Saints performed "imperfectly" against Seattle: a huge understatement.
  • While these "imperfectly" marked ballots still contain the voter's political expression, their intent, machines, not being human, can not discern the voter's intent on the ballot.
  • They must not be argued with, for they are convinced they suffer only for God's sake, and cannot be made to understand they are acting imperfectly, which is a further error in persons so far advanced.
  • This range is very imperfectly seen from Primiero, and still more imperfectly from the Val di Canali, the perspective in both instances being so abrupt as only to show the peaks in line, one behind the other.
  • Mr Toby Chuzzlewit had either received the name imperfectly from his father, or that he had forgotten it, or that he had mispronounced it? and that even at the recent period in question, the Chuzzlewits were connected by a bend sinister, or kind of heraldic over-the-left, with some unknown noble and illustrious House?
  • Speaking on the character of the _product_ of the English schools, Faraday says, 'The whole evidence appears to show that the _reasoning faculties_ [mark, it is here the failure occurs, and here that it shows itself], in all classes of the community, are very imperfectly and insufficiently developed -- _imperfectly, as compared with the natural abilities, insufficiently, when considered with reference to the extent and variety of information with which they are called upon to deal_.'

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