IPA: ɪmpˈɝfɪktɫi
- In an imperfect manner or degree; not fully or completely.
Examples of "imperfectly" in Sentences
- It applies imperfectly to some academic questions.
- This category is imperfectly conceived and applied.
- Yet this part of his doctrine is very imperfectly developed.
- All three of these steps are complex and imperfectly understood.
- Both of these time standards turned out to be imperfectly defined.
- Indian history is still very much ambiguous and imperfectly known.
- It was imperfectly mined, and the train fired, but the rock stands firm.
- Like a mirror, the human person reflects God's glory, though imperfectly.
- The rules for these patterns remain controversial and imperfectly understood.
- This article reads like it was imperfectly translated out of another language.
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