
IPA: ɪmpˈɪriʌɫi


  • (archaic) Imperial power; imperium.


  • In an imperial manner.
  • From an imperial standpoint; with due regard to the whole of an empire, and not only to its metropole.

Examples of "imperially" in Sentences

  • Coyne imperially declares faith and science incompatible.
  • Dorsey also was seen swanning around imperially during group-sing prep.
  • Since 1898 we have been intervening imperially in third world countries.
  • The half-length mirror reveals a figure somewhat too full to be called imperially slim.
  • Some have said that Haig acted imperially and hastened Nixon's exit to protect the country.
  • The bottom of my bag would be a morass of red glitter, ripped paper doilies, and crushed SweetHearts, imperially commanding to "Kiss Me."
  • If debt-ridden, imperially over-extended America can't do the job, then China, destined to become the world's largest economy, might have to step in.
  • America, imperially raping and robbing Haiti for one hundred years; before that, the French imperially raped and robbing Haiti all through the 19th century.
  • An exchange of cradle-babes, and the base-born slave may wear the purple imperially, and the royal infant begs an alms as wheedlingly or cringe to the lash as abjectly as his meanest subject.

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