
IPA: ɪmpˈɪriʌsnʌs


  • The quality of being imperious

Examples of "imperiousness" in Sentences

  • Ms. Lambert might be forgiven for some, if not all, of her imperiousness.
  • When the time of meeting her husband came to hand, she must carry things off with high-handed imperiousness.
  • I get to assume an entirely new personality, bursting with taut, Nordic imperiousness or sleek, impudent Euro-trashiness.
  • No wifely sedateness in this other, nor calm strength of control; but rather the waywardness of mutable desires, rough-shod imperiousness and strange moods.
  • Yet was there in his softness an imperiousness, commanding me to be other than I am, forbidding me the right to crave in secret what I had made bold to ask for openly.
  • Tenor Steven Sanders was powerful as the Officer, and David Kravitz captured both the imperiousness of the Provost Marshall and the hesitating terror of the Gold Merchant.
  • Diane von Furstenberg, who serves as president of the Council of Fashion Designers of America, declared with old-world imperiousness that the sales that had devastated the industry “cannot happen again.”
  • By the end, however, nobody cared about what subliminal image of alleged "imperiousness" would be telegraphed by the prop columns in the background or the CNN-initiated (not the Obama campaign's) Sky-cam overhead.
  • He would have been confounded and wounded by the knowledge that some people, including Maddy, suspected that a vein of self-righteousness ran beneath the surface of his public persona, an imperiousness disguised by his elaborate courteousness but hinted at by his detached formality.

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