
IPA: ɪmpˈaɪʌs


  • Not pious.
  • Lacking reverence or respect, especially towards a god.

Examples of "impious" in Sentences

  • The agreement itself was impious.
  • It is, therefore, impious what they have done to me.
  • The impious shall enter the hell of the eternal fire.
  • His overall impression is that America is an impious land.
  • His intention here is to condemn and disgrace impious sophists.
  • Zeus struck down this impious archaic figure with a thunderbolt.
  • His intention here is to condemn and disgrace impious sophists. 35.
  • This is a foolish and impious self love, and worthy to be stigmatized.
  • To regard nothing as impious or criminal was the sum total of their religion.
  • Satan, in impious mimicry of God's heavenly throne, sets up his earthly throne (Re 4: 2).
  • Indeed, as a rule, the blessing of the impious is a curse, wherefore Rebekah remained barren for years.
  • Such piety is the salvation of families and states, just as the impious, which is unpleasing to the gods, is their ruin and destruction.
  • Such piety, is the salvation of families and states, just as the impious, which is unpleasing to the gods, is their ruin and destruction.
  • Everywhere else St. Jerome teaches that the punishment of the devils and of the impious, that is of those who have not come to the Faith, shall be eternal.
  • There are a hundred religions on earth which all condemn us if we believe your dogmas, which they call impious and absurd; why, therefore, not examine these dogmas?
  • American Union bordering on Kentucky, an impostor who declared that he was the Son of God, the Saviour of mankind, and that he had reappeared on earth to recall the impious, the unbelieving, and sinners to their duty.
  • Now kesil signifies in Hebrew "impious", adjectives expressive of the stupid criminality which belongs to the legendary character of giants; and the stars of Orion irresistibly suggest a huge figure striding across the sky.
  • About the year 1830 there appeared, in one of the States of the American Union bordering on Kentucky, an impostor who declared that he was the Son of God, the Saviour of mankind, and that he had reappeared on earth to recall the impious, the unbelieving, and sinners to their duty.

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