IPA: ɪmprˈæktʌkʌɫ
- not practical; impracticable
Examples of "impractical" in Sentences
- | Reply the only thing that makes it impractical is no one has the desire to do it.
- Hmm, I KNOW my old PI who insisted upon having glass versions of everything lab related, no matter how impractical, is laughing maniacally right now.
- The depth of Lake Washington makes suspension type bridges (cable stay included) impractical from a cost standpoint (you can tank the glaciers for that).
- This idea seems really impractical from a political standpoint as it reeks of corporate welfare and is likely to really piss of the Lou Dobbs/nativist crowd.
- Employers pay big bucks to people who excel in impractical subjects because such people tend to be smart, conscientious, and obedient to authority - in short, to be good workers.
- Sandra Aistars, executive director of the Copyright Alliance, an umbrella organization that supports the existing legislative proposals, was not impressed by the Wyden alternative, which she called "impractical for individual artists and creators."
- In terms of health care reform, they were papered over by the hopes of many progressive liberals -- who were willing to give up fighting for Medicare-For-All as politically "impractical" -- of achieving a robust public option as an acceptable compromise in the context of a larger health insurance mandate.
- Well, in an essay published by Newsweek late last year, Rubin worried about too much spending on job-creation, opposed forcing the riskiest derivative contracts onto public exchanges, resisted an accounting reform that would require financial institutions to assess their assets based on actual market prices rather than just making things up, and warned against what he calls impractical proposals to break up "too big to fail" banks.
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