IPA: ɪmprˈɛgnˈeɪʃʌn
- The act of making pregnant; fertilization.
- The fact or process of imbuing or saturating with something; diffusion of some element, idea etc. through a medium or substance.
- That with which anything is impregnated.
- (geology) An ore deposit, with indefinite boundaries, consisting of rock impregnated with ore.
Examples of "impregnation" in Sentences
- Brian is correct that the impregnation occurs when Superman has given up his powers.
- The process of fertilization or fecundation is also known as impregnation and conception.
- Are we now further narrowing the definition of an affirmative action Chicken-Hawk to demand impregnation of a woman between 1965 and1975?
- Prior to these treatments, the grains may be subjected to a variety of other treatments, such as impregnation with various compounds, or germination.
- Apparently some smugglers even require women to receive contraception injections before they will agree to take them across the border, planning against their potential impregnation.
- From all other activities that are elsewhere ascribed to the Holy Spirit we conclude that His work in this case must have been anticipatory of the creative work that followed, a kind of impregnation with divine potentialities.
- We have, on a previous occasion, described the process of "maceration" or "enfleurage," that is, the impregnation of purified fat with the aroma of certain scented flowers which do not yield any essential oil in paying quantities.
- "impregnation;" to the little child it may be presented as "an awakening" of the sleeping seeds, so that they begin to grow, to develop, to expand and push out, until we have the full-grown seeds seen in the delicious and juicy roasting ear.
- Even today, because of the stigma around rape, especially as it was used as a tactic of war, there is a great disparity between the National Population Office of Rwanda's estimates of the number of children born of forced impregnation, which is from two to five thousand, and what the information provided by victim groups reflects, between ten and twenty-five thousand.