
IPA: ɪmprˈɑpɝɫi


  • in an improper manner; not properly

Examples of "improperly" in Sentences

  • She might have used the word improperly, and meant ‘admirer’ all the time.
  • She might have used the word improperly, and meant 'admirer' all the time.
  • I would guess there was some consternation when Spain "improperly" acquired the area from the indigenous people.
  • In their ignorant innocence many ex-pats use that word improperly, and sometimes assume honorary titles that a person may never use themselves.
  • Food and Drug Administration, it is possible to suffer lead poisoning if you consume food or beverages that have been stored or served in improperly glazed ceramic ware.
  • This time around, the neurotic dimwit who raises his voice improperly is one Jackie Moon, the owner/coach/power forward of the Tropics, and ABA franchise in the bustling metropolis of Flint, Michigan.
  • Funny, though, that the freedom to buy drugs, some of which can kill you if used improperly, is so much more controversial here than the freedom to buy a gun, any of which can kill a lot of people when used exactly as intended … novakant Says:
  • Page xxiii view page image: tor himself had corrected in some other place: and where he had rendered a Chinese title improperly, it hath been set right from better authorities: two or three instances have occurred of this kind, wherein it was thought unnecessary to detain the
  • He may have jumped to say his name while Roberts was finishing the first line (no telling how they rehearsed it) but it was Roberts, the Constitutionalist, who blew it by leaving out "faithfully" and it was Obama who knew the oath well enough to stop before saying in improperly.

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