IPA: ɪmprɑvɪzˈeɪʃʌn
- The act or art of composing and making music, poetry, and the like, extemporaneously
- That which is improvised; an impromptu.
- Musical technique, characteristic of blues music.
- The act of improvising, acting or going about something without planning ahead
Examples of "improvisation" in Sentences
- No improvisation is allowed in the world of tourism.
- More power to him: improvisation is the soul of creativity.
- In a recession, Barnes says, strategic improvisation is more important then ever.
- EK: Well, I think that, for me, I have a lot of issues with the term "improvisation."
- 'Cause the other big problem with improvisation is that everybody plays all the time unless told not to.
- But I had always been interested in improvisation, even back when I went to music school at Indiana University.
- The problem with improvisation is that it attracts attention to the will of the worship leader instead of the one being worshipped.
- Sometimes of an evening he would perform upon the piano, indulging in a series of broken chords which he called improvisation, and upon these occasions he felt that he was a kind and thoughtful master when he set the drawing-room door open so that the servants might hear; and as his servants thought so too it was all eminently satisfactory.