IPA: ˈɪmprʌvaɪz
- To make something up or invent it as one goes on; to proceed guided only by imagination, intuition, and guesswork rather than by a careful plan.
Examples of "improvise" in Sentences
- Much of the action was improvised.
- Some of the action was improvised.
- Most of the dialogue is improvised.
- Much of the dialogue was improvised.
- The music is improvised most of the time.
- Most of the script was improvised by the cast.
- All of the conversation in the movie was improvised.
- TO IMPROVISE or not to improvise, that is the question.
- At one point he was bold enough to ask his audience to toss him a word to improvise a rap on.
- That's right: send Nagin up to the microphone and tell him to "improvise" for ten minutes and I promise you he'll make national headlines!
- The one good thing about this movie is that we can "improvise" our lines and actions, since there is no defined director except the Almighty.
- Somewhere I read I think in EASY RIDERS, RAGING BULLS that Hal Ashby was allegedly stoned throughout the whole shoot, letting the actors "improvise" their dialogue.
- He testified "that he had cut the thiopental [the drug that renders a person unconscious] dosage he gave inmates by half because a change in drug packaging forced him to 'improvise'."
- That was - that's actually more fun to me, because in live concerts what we do is we take the material that we composed for the recording and we stretch it out and we improvise, which is what brings joy to both of us.
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