
IPA: ɪnʌdvˈaɪzʌbˈɪɫɪti


  • The quality or state of being inadvisable.

Examples of "inadvisability" in Sentences

  • One look at Constellation's technical and funding woes speaks to the inadvisability of this.
  • Though I must say that when I've encountered such things, I could not help sending a rather pointed letter about plagiarism and its extreme inadvisability.
  • But clearly Freeman is right about the inadvisability of unconditional financial aid to Israel and also about the fact that Israeli violence has regrettable consequences.
  • At the same time, prominent articles appeared in the news media attempting to carefully explain U.S. government thinking on the impracticality or inadvisability of using nuclear weapons.
  • It is odd, then, that almost never do these pundits find space to mention the most obvious lesson to be drawn from the Titanic's fate: the inadvisability of running at high speed, at night, through an ice field.
  • The ensuing bedlam is probably best sampled via Cope's incredible book Head On, less an autobiography than a monograph on the inadvisability of combining a sudden ascent to teenybop stardom with a diet largely comprised ofLSD: "Every day we would wake up, take acid, then ride to the studio on our imaginary horses," begins one typical anecdote.
  • Valley of the Dolls had been so crucial in my life not because of its word to the wise about the inadvisability of mixing Seconal and Scotch, but for the three sentences that explained how to go about getting undressed before the first time you have sex: go into the bathroom, take your clothes off, and reemerge with a towel wrapped around yourself.

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