
IPA: ɪnˈɔdʌbˈɪɫɪti


  • The property of being inaudible.

Examples of "inaudibility" in Sentences

  • The invisibility, inaudibility and unspeakability of evil had themselves vanished.
  • Swathes of dialogue are tangled and mumbled, particularly by Leo Bill, who plays a delinquent brother in a frenzy of inaudibility.
  • "You know, Wiggs, " she said, her voice softened to near inaudibility by the sultry climate, -it seems like with you everything leads back to the subject of death.
  • The invisibility, inaudibility, and tacit go-along-ability of responsible, moderate Republicans have become almost as contemptible as the high crimes and low misdemeanors of our megalomaniacal Boy King and his sneering vizier.
  • "Today the family grooms the inaudibility and invisibility of its presence, and as a result some believe that little is left apart from a great legend - and the Rothschilds are quite content to let legend be their public relations."
  • This tender, mournful solo, sometimes lapsing towards the threshold of inaudibility, surprisingly elicits laughter from the audience, who seem to think that Woody's kidding around, that his failure to produce clear melodic notes is a joke.

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