IPA: ˈɪntʃ
- An English unit of length equal to 1/12 of a foot or 2.54 cm, roughly the width of a thumb.
- (figuratively) Any very short distance.
- Any of various similar units of length in other traditional systems of measurement.
- (meteorology) A depth of one inch on the ground, used as a measurement of rainfall.
- A depth of one inch in a glass, used as a rough measurement of alcoholic beverages.
- (Scotland, Ireland) A small island; an islet.
- (Scotland, Ireland) A meadow, pasture, field, or haugh.
- A town in County Wexford, Ireland.
- (intransitive, followed by a preposition) To advance very slowly, or by a small amount (in a particular direction).
- To drive by inches, or small degrees.
- To deal out by inches; to give sparingly.
- (Hong Kong, colloquial) to burn (to insult); to speak in a cocky and cheeky manner
- (Hong Kong, colloquial) cocky and cheeky
Examples of "inch" in Sentences
- The ruler measured the distance between the two points to be exactly one inch
- He slowly inched his way across the tightrope, carefully balancing each step
- The seamstress carefully measured each inch of fabric before cutting it for the dress
- The caterpillar inched its way up the leaf, moving slowly but steadily
- The old wooden door only opened an inch, allowing just enough space for a peek inside