
IPA: ɪnsɪdˈɛntʌɫi


  • (manner) In an incidental manner; not of central or critical importance.
  • By chance; in an unplanned way.
  • (speech act, conjunctive) Parenthetically, by the way.

Examples of "incidentally" in Sentences

  • That front leaf, incidentally, is about as wide as my head.
  • Nostalgia, incidentally, is an emotion I'm very interested in these days.
  • It is a title incidentally which, in the political sense, might well be applied to modern Turkey as a whole.
  • Paul Theroux: Thor-ew (which, incidentally, is different to Henry Thoreau which is pronounced like 'thorough')
  • This, incidentally, is an international bank headquartered (or at least once headquartered) in the Basque industrial city of Bilbao, Spain.
  • Byng (who incidentally is the brother of Georgia Byng, author of the Molly Moon books for children) estimates the series will be completed in 2038!
  • Let us support our monasteries -- and one way other day-to-day way to do that incidentally, is to purchase the products which these monasteries produce to help support these monasteries financially.
  • St. Michael's, incidentally, is now the home of the priest who instigated a simple but handsome renovation at Visitation Catholic Church while he was pastor there, and which we chronicled here some time back.
  • Readers will note that they not only sell it in quantities most especially useful for parish churches, but also in smaller quantities for those who wish to burn incense at home -- which, incidentally, is a practice which can be very condusive to setting a climate of prayer, or to mark a feast day.

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