
IPA: ɪnkʌmˈɛnsɝʌt


  • Out of proportion (in size, degree or extent) with something else.

Examples of "incommensurate" in Sentences

  • Deportation is a secondary, and wholly incommensurate, punishment.
  • I know the expectations from social workers are unrealistic, and the pay is absolutely incommensurate with the demands of the job.
  • If it is possible to speak, grosso modo, of a progressive paradigm and a conservative one, then we are forced to realize that they are simply incommensurate.
  • Indeed, if they have thought about it all, they believe that mixing such fundamentally incommensurate activities is to commit a basic logical fallacy, with potentially serious results.
  • Poor soul, here for so little, cast among so many hardships, filled with desires so incommensurate and so inconsistent; savagely surrounded, savagely descended, irremediably condemned to prey upon his fellow-lives.
  • My thinking is now that horded money does indeed spoil if it is not used to do what money is supposed to do, which is act as a means/medium of exchange to distribute otherwise incompatible or incommensurate use values.
  • How interesting it would be to learn about the schedule the miners lived by that combined what in our polarized culture seems so incommensurate -- twice-daily talk with psychologists, group therapy, and twice-daily prayer sessions.
  • As Empedocles said that 'where heads of many a creature sprouted without necks' they afterwards by Love's power were combined, so here too objects of thought which were given separate are combined, e.g. 'incommensurate' and 'diagonal': if the combination be of objects past or future the combination of thought includes in its content the date.

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