IPA: ɪnkˈɑmpʌtʌnt
- A person who is incompetent.
- Unskilled; lacking the degree of ability and responsibility that would normally be expected.
- Unable to make rational decisions; insane or otherwise cognitively impaired.
- (medicine, of the cervix) Opening too early during pregnancy, resulting in miscarriage or premature birth.
- (geology) Not resistant to deformation or flow.
Examples of "incompetent" in Sentences
- This is in China, where they're having a problem with what they call incompetent drivers.
- Trump blames the problems on what he calls incompetent state bureaucrats and laments that had he been allowed to proceed, the facility would have been open by now.
- Sohil, a 26-year-old student, says the rally sought to condemn the American killing of civilians and the U.S. support for what he calls the incompetent Karzai government.
- AZASM vice-president Donald Mankga said his organisation was identifying schools employing what it termed incompetent white teachers, and said these teachers would be removed.
- Thousands of car drivers in the Ukrainian capital angrily blew their horns for several minutes Monday, protesting what they call incompetent and corrupt government policies that led to a devastating financial crisis.
- SOHIL: (Foreign language spoken) LAWRENCE: Sohil, a 26-year-old student, says the rally is to condemn the American killing of civilians, as well as the U.S. support for what he calls the incompetent government of President Karzai.