IPA: ɪnkʌmprˈɛsʌbʌɫ
- Not compressible.
- (calculus, of a vector field) Having a divergence equal to zero.
Examples of "incompressible" in Sentences
- Energetic cost to space is the same for everyone and essentially incompressible ...
- This is a revolutionary new concept in thermodynamics -- an incompressible ideal gas!
- Water is the obvious material, since it is abundant, cheap, and has the interesting property of being incompressible.
- But ultimately our acceptance of terrible poverty amidst such extravagant and nearly incompressible wealth is possible because we underestimate the heart of our nation.
- If I read it right, he’s claiming that IC structures are, according to information theory, necessarily random in your #2 sense of incompressible, which is clearly at odds with reality.
- Instead of using an internal bladder to compress the carbon fiber from inside, the patented process involves some kind of solid, incompressible material that forms an inner mold for the rims.
- The discussions remind me of the massless beams, frictionless planes, and inviscid/incompressible flows that dot the physics and engineering pedagogy: very useful to a point, and wildly inaccurate past that point.
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