
IPA: ɪndˈisʌnt


  • Offensive to good taste.
  • Not in keeping with conventional moral values; improper, immodest, or unseemly.
  • (criminal law) Generally unacceptable for public broadcasting but not legally obscene.

Examples of "indecent" in Sentences

  • Facecat: flashing a breast indecently in public is called indecent exposure.
  • Lubna al Hussain could face up to a month in jail because of what the morality police called indecent clothing.
  • "Programming replete with one-word indecent expletives will tend to produce children" who use them, Justice Scalia wrote.
  • He wants only traditional Persian or classical Western music on the government airways, not what he calls indecent, obscene Western music.
  • Attacks on children, for instance, were often classified as indecent assault, not rape - even though the young are often targeted because of the mistaken belief that sex with a child can rid the body of the HIV virus.
  • However, I am sure that there are chants at the Emirates almost every match which could be described as "indecent" - it perhaps depends on your expectations of the atmosphere, your sense of humour and the thickness of your skin.
  • I know not any comment that can be made seriously on this curious passage, and I could produce many similar ones; and some, so very sentimental, that I have heard rational men use the word indecent, when they mentioned them with disgust.
  • I know not any comment that can be made seriously on this curious passage, and I could produce many similar ones; and some, so very sentimental, that I have heard rational men use the word indecent, when they mentioned them with disgust. 72

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