
IPA: ɪndˈʌɫdʒʌnt


  • Disposed or prone to indulge, humor, gratify, or yield to one's own or another's desires, etc., or to be compliant, lenient, or forbearing;

Examples of "indulgent" in Sentences

  • This film is too flat and uninvolving to deserve a term like indulgent.
  • She lost herself in indulgent kisses, swimming in the headiness of a boy!
  • "Wealthy consumers today want something sexier, more indulgent, which is why BMW and Mercedes have done well."
  • But sometimes artists can become incredibly over-indulgent, which is why I think it's generally healthy to have the studio execs and producers there to push the other way.
  • Anyone who has the audacity to attempt it, particularly with regard to the significant effects of the policies of the current incumbants of the Whitehouse and Number 10, can expect to be labelled indulgent apologists.
  • The teens who were being raised by so-called indulgent parents who tend to give their children lots of praise and warmth - but offer little in the way of consequences or monitoring of bad behavior - were among the biggest abusers of alcohol.

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