
IPA: ɪndʌstriʌɫɪzˈeɪʃʌn


  • A process of social and economic change whereby a human society is transformed from a preindustrial to an industrial state.

Examples of "industrialization" in Sentences

  • Rapid industrialization is viewed as the key to economic progress.
  • For those people, de-industrialization is something to be encouraged rather than resisted.
  • There is one word in Russia that is the great curse of all this industrialization, - the Russian word, "Nichevo", which means, "I should worry".
  • Today, the surest road to industrialization is the establishment of large units, branch plants and subsidiaries, in developing areas by domestic or foreign corporations.
  • Then decide that space industrialization is worthwhile with the utilization of material from the moon and asteroids while simultaneously developing large space based power systems.
  • Although industrialization is growing, at different rates, in every country in the world, only a few countries have the natural resources to provide the basic materials for industry.
  • For others, de-industrialization is an alarm call, a threat to our wealth and employment base, and it is in this sense that I think the word is most commonly used at present at least in Britain.
  • The peoples of Asia, a thousand million strong, have been stirred to the depths of their being; their national consciousness has been aroused as never in the past; their industrialization is proceeding apace.
  • Once space industrialization is fully operational the Earth can be treated as a garden planet with very strict environmental regulations to protect all the species of the planet while human technological development and deployment are conducted off planet.
  • The point I would like to make about these industries and the policy of industrialization is that in the case of all of these industries we are very favourably situated in the matter of raw materials which are available in abundance and are conveniently situated.

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