IPA: ɪndˈʌstriʌɫaɪzd
- Having undergone industrialization
Examples of "industrialized" in Sentences
- I have accepted that the fate of health care cost control and sharing in industrialized societies is through a single payer system.
- He said the heart of the problem lies in what he called the industrialized world's disregard for the importance of sustainable local farming.
- Adam Sullivan: I have accepted that the fate of health care cost control and sharing in industrialized societies is through a single payer system.
- … Reading — a defining characteristic of civilization as far back as ancient Greece when all Athenian citizens were expected to know how to read — is now taken for granted in industrialized democracies.
- Doctors would really have to go after the food industry, the medical industry, and the pharmaceutical industry and we'd all have to admit to the complete train wreck of what I call industrialized medicine.
- But in industrialized countries where mass-produced and processed food are mainstays, foraging has taken on a special significance for those who want to feel more connected to what they put in their mouths.
- Since rural voters in industrialized countries rely more heavily on fossil fuels than urban voters, our prediction is that malapportioned political systems will have lower gasoline taxes, and less commitment to climate change amelioration, than systems with equitable representation of constituents.
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