IPA: ɪndˈʌstriʌɫi
- In an industrial manner.
- Concerning industry.
Examples of "industrially" in Sentences
- The English complain of German competition, yet Germany industrially is England's child.
- We have industrially fished the oceans to death, the rivers are dammed and diverted and poisoned.
- Studies have found similar calcium levels in both home-made and "industrially" - manufactured tortillas.
- "It sets a new bar because this is the most industrially advanced plant that Fiat or Chrysler has," Mr. Marchionne said.
- We have had to pass from the idea of industrially processed sacharina to sacharina processed right there at the cattle complexes.
- Would you, then, asks a dismayed unionist, build up your so-called industrially conscious group at the expense of organized labor?
- War industrially is just as detrimental to the employers and to the employed as war between nations is to all classes of every nation concerned.
- In the simplest terms, I think, it means that any attempt by a nation to be completely self-sufficient industrially is the height of economic folly.
- And on French radio Europe 1, he said he wanted to bring EDF and Veolia closer together, at least 'industrially', although he had no intention of merging the groups.
- That's where Alice Waters had hired Cooper to switch Berkeley schools from the same kind of industrially processed convenience foods my daughter's friends are eating to meals cooked from scratch.
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