IPA: ɪnˈɛfʌbʌɫ
- Beyond expression in words; unspeakable.
- Forbidden to be uttered; taboo.
Examples of "ineffable" in Sentences
- She recalled the ineffable scenes of the passion, the burial and the resurrection.
- Something about the plastic face, a face frozen in an expression of ineffable sadness.
- "Weep then, my word ineffable!" cried Malcolm, and laid himself again at her feet, kissed them, and was silent.
- Sometimes he introduces himself by the same method to the imagination; and sometimes he addresses the mind in a manner ineffable, which is called Inspiration.
- I stood upon the gulf which girds my dwelling: in one hand, I held my sacred talisman, that bears the name ineffable; in the other, the mystic record of our holy race.
- This word, when thus pronounced, is called the ineffable word, which cannot be altered as other words are, and the degrees which you have received, are called, on this account, INEFFABLE DEGREES.
- It is a fond conceit of the superstitious Jews that his blasphemy was in pronouncing the name of Jehovah, which they call ineffable: he that made himself known by that name never forbade the calling of him by that name.
- The word ineffable, is important here, Those that practice the art of negative theology, whether within the Abrahamic tradition or not, will always ascribe God as being unknowable, yet paradoxically knowable through this form of theology, though of course not at the anthropomorphic level.
- You may give them all they need of food and drink and make the conditions of their existence as favorable as possible, and they may grow and bloom, but there is a certain ineffable something that will be missing if you do not love them, a delicate glory too spiritual to be caught and put into words.
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