IPA: ɪnɛvɪtʌbˈɪɫɪti
- (uncountable) The condition of being inevitable.
- (countable) An inevitable condition or outcome.
Examples of "inevitability" in Sentences
- Michael A: "the term inevitability was coined by penn over a year ago"
- That makes him less inevitable as the nominee, and the perception of inevitability is all he's got.
- I'm baffled as well, but I wonder whether this attitude of inevitability is contributing to Democratic defeats.
- | Reply | Permalink annon, the term inevitability was coined by penn over a year ago and that was the basis of her campaign.
- As someone once said, “Because there is a certain inevitability to such concepts, the hard part is actually making the idea work.”
- Michael A wrote on January 3, 2008 10: 51 AM: annon, the term inevitability was coined by penn over a year ago and that was the basis of her campaign.