
IPA: ɪnˈɛvʌtʌbɫi


  • In a manner that is impossible to avoid or prevent.
  • As usual; predictably; as expected.

Examples of "inevitably" in Sentences

  • Packages I’d sent to the label inevitably wound up in a box under someone’s desk.
  • The term inevitably elicits a negative response and is often viewed as synonymous with “mob rule.”
  • State was in favor of dropping that too: “The reforms do not yet add up to changes as far reaching as the Prague Spring of 1968, which the phrase inevitably conjures up.”
  • In the meantime, every journalist with a license to speak on public airwaves has a professional responsibility to take Pat Boone to task for inviting his readers to hold in check what he describes as the inevitably violent, 'jihadist savagery' of the California Prop-8 protesters.
  • On a basic level, an image in a book or a painting can either be inert or charged, with other descriptions of this latter state ranging from “luminous” to the banal and simplistic “symbolic” because the term inevitably reduces image to one thing or another, and evokes the word “Freudian,” which imposes strict purpose on imagery in a way I find distasteful.

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