IPA: ɪnˈɛksɝʌbʌɫ
- Impossible to prevent or stop; inevitable.
- Unable to be persuaded; relentless; unrelenting.
- Adamant; severe.
Examples of "inexorable" in Sentences
- By Mixner logic though, this still means that car ownership is in inexorable decline.
- When Koheleth wishes to express the idea of inexorable law, or Fate, he has recourse to the notion of God.
- There are certain inexorable prerequisites for the economic health of a nation and Canada is no exception to their application.
- In these poems, as well as in many epistles to different persons, he bewails his unhappy situation, and deprecates in the strongest terms the inexorable displeasure of Augustus.
- A study of the race's literature will reveal the replacement of these, in inexorable sequence, by the running metaphor, the clause metaphor, the phrase metaphor, the compound-word metaphor, and, lastly, the word metaphor.
- As a number of scientists, philosophers and futurists have recently argued, there is mounting evidence in support of the suggestion that these historical episodes are symptomatic of a larger developmental trend, namely the inexorable and steady advancement of intelligence.
- Mogul, Sikh, and British conquerors, and then the new state of Pakistan, had all rearranged borders, but the river still expressed a certain inexorable logic — evinced by the resentment that the Pashtoons of the North-West Frontier on one bank felt for the more settled Punjabis on the other.
- With newspapers and magazines in inexorable decline, with one major TV network that has declared itself to be the communications arm of the rightwing, and the others under corporate control, and with the population under 30 getting most of their "news" online anyhow, ending net neutrality will not end the principle of free speech, but it will certainly diminish its value and rig the "market place of ideas".
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