IPA: ɪnˈɛksɝʌbɫi
- In an inexorable manner; without the possibility of stopping or prevention.
Examples of "inexorably" in Sentences
- What he needs to learn at once and for all, to learn softly and easily, but inexorably, is that he is one of many.
- For years, I was sure that Easter and Esther were inexorably linked together (though I didn't use the word inexorably).
- Neither “Man’s Rights” or “Racism” slams Kant, so I think it would be more accurate to say that NPR follows inexorably from the altruist-collectivist ethics.
- But they can see that power is moving inexorably from the the G8 to the G20, where Europe's influence will be diluted by major new players like China and India.
- And then, abruptly, Lynch gave up his post and faded inexorably from the public's view, despite Fidelity's decision to send him around as its roving corporate ambassador.
- As McCain inexorably implodes, an extremely angry Republican party in most of its strands rears its ugly head — the extraordinary levels of hate at recent McCain-Palin rallies are just the tip of the iceberg.
- For to show clearly how violence changed, even corrupted children, drawing them into its maelstrom inexorably, is not to condemn their cause or to diminish their accomplishments but to get a little closer to the painful truths that shaped those who lived then and remember now.
- Perhaps in some recess of the psyche the human organism knows that it is a fractal of the reflexive universe itself, repeated in microcosmic multiplicity like a holographic plate – worlds within worlds within worlds – and that, far beyond the cold war reflex, our emergence into space rose inexorably from the taproot of evolution, the heartsong of a cosmos that is finally the dance of spirit.
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